Weight Loss Drinks: Green Tea

There is a wide variety of weight loss drinks: fruit juice, white protein, smoothies made with yogurt and green tea. Today I want to tell you more about green tea.

This is truly a unique product that helps us stay healthy and live long. What is the benefit of drinking green tea?

First, it helps to improve immunity, the nervous system and the cardiovascular system: the heart is activated, prevents the narrowing of blood vessels and strengthening its walls, lowers blood pressure and cholesterol accelerates decomposition. In addition, two cups of green tea a day reduces the risk of cancer!

Second, this tea has antimicrobial, antiviral and anti-inflammatory. It can be used in the treatment of ulcerative poisoning, flu and food.

Third tea, green can reduce levels of blood sugar, and this property can be used to treat diabetes because their active ingredients stimulate the blood, helps the liver and pancreas, rheumatism, kidney stone disease.

Green tea also charge energy for the body, relieves depression, regular consumption of vision, speeds up the process of thinking, better concentration and stimulate creativity time. In addition, green tea is perfectly quenches thirst, cleanses the body of toxins, which slows the aging process.

This product contains essential oils, caffeine, proteins, vitamins A, B, C, PP, K, D, E and trace elements (iron salts, magnesium compounds, manganese, sodium, silicon, calcium, potassium, fluorine, etc. )

Green tea has become popular nowadays because of its ability to speed up metabolism, excretion of body fat and is considered the safest way to lose weight.

It is important to know that only fresh tea is useful if you need to look at the date of production. Do not buy tea flavors, said the poor quality of the product.

When brewing tea, follow these simple rules:

- Green tea is produced hot water, but no;
- The filtered water is the best;
- Take 2 teaspoons per 200 ml of water;
- The consumption of tea, prepared for the second of water, while his insistence not to exceed 10 seconds. In this case, the tea leaves and flower buds, giving the beverage flavor and nutrients. In China, the infusion of tea is up to seven times.

Green Tea Diet helps you lose weight and cleanse the body of toxins. The power supply must be within 30 days. Accordingly, you can lose up to 10 kg per month, plus a full body cleanse if you drink 1 liter of tea per day.

Green tea is best to choose the highest quality. There are hundreds of varieties of the same.

The tea can be drunk like hot and cold. The best way is to put ice cold tea.

Besides tea, you should also drink some flat water. In general, you should drink at least 2 liters of fluid a day.

During the day, you can eat almost anything - meat, fish, milk and dairy products, eggs, vegetables and fruits. But we must also avoid fatty foods, cakes and sweets. The food is best eaten raw or cooked.

Fried foods should be removed too. Salt intake should be minimized and preferably not used at all.

Meals and tea better not mix. Tea can drink half an hour before meals or half an hour later.

The diet is easy to follow green tea, with permission of virtually all products and not suffer from the monotony of products.

The best time of year for tea diet is probably the summer. In fact, the heat, you can easily survive a day in the cold tea and snacks in the form of vegetables, fruits and berries, with virtually no hunger.

Starving, sitting at tea diet is not necessary, but if you want to get maximum results, it is preferable to limit the size of the portions. If you do not particularly like green tea and you are not ready to drink for a month, you can use the method of processing green tea day: drinking five cups of green tea a day to recover the remaining volume of the inorganic liquid or pure water. Besides drinking can eat a handful of dried apricots or raisins.

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